
Naming Conventions#

Libmodule uses the following naming conventions for its public API:

  • m_ is the prefix for all the library API
  • m_foo_ APIs group together the same namespace API
  • struct types have the _t suffix
  • enum types do not have the _t suffix
  • getters with no setter, do not have the get prefix; for example: m_ctx_userdata.


Libmodule offers an internal logging facility, to enable verbose logging for the whole library.
There are 4 log levels that can be enabled through LIBMODULE_LOG env variable:

  • “err” (default)
  • “warn”
  • “info”
  • “debug”

Fine-grained control over logging contexts is enabled through the use of specific env variables; following are the supported contexts:


Basically, you can set different logging level for each context; a default log level is set using the
aforementioned LIBMODULE_LOG env variable (or err only by default).

Moreover, you can specify an output file for the log, by passing LIBMODULE_LOG_OUTPUT env variable.
By default, stdout/stderr are used.



Libmodule makes heavy usage of gcc __attribute__((constructor)) (and destructor) to inizialize itself.
Ctor order is specified in each namespace doc.


Moreover, libmodule allows users to override default memhook used, by calling m_set_memhook().
This function must be called before any libmodule’s allocation takes place, ie: before calling the first m_ctx_register.
A memhook is just a wrapper around 3 main memory related functions:

  • malloc
  • calloc
  • free