
Every module needs 5 functions that must be defined by developer.
If using Easy API, they are automatically declared by MODULE macro.
Moreover, a module_pre_start function is declared too, but it is not needed by libmodule interface, ie: it can be left undefined. Your compiler may warn you about that though.

static void module_pre_start(void);
static void init(void);
static bool check(void);
static bool evaluate(void);
static void receive(const msg_t *const msg, const void *userdata);
static void destroy(void);

This function will be called before any module is registered.
It is the per-module version of modules_pre_start function.


Initializes module state; useful to register any fd to be polled or to register any topic.
Note that init() is only called first time module is started.


Startup filter to check whether this module should be actually created and managed by libmodule.

Returns:true if the module should be registered, false otherwise.

Similar to check() function but at runtime: this function is called for each IDLE module after evey state machine update and it should check whether a module is now ready to be start (ie: init should be called on this module and its state should be set to RUNNING). Use this to check intra-modules dependencies or any other env variable.

Returns:true if module is now ready to be started, else false.
receive(msg, userdata)

Poll callback, called when any event is ready on module’s fd or when a PubSub message is received by a module.
Use msg->is_pubsub to decide which internal message should be read (ie: ps_msg_t or fd_msg_t).

Param:const msg_t * const msg: pointer to msg_t struct.
Param:const void * userdata: pointer to userdata as set by m_set_userdata.

Destroys module, called automatically at module deregistration. Please note that module’s fds set as autoclose will be closed.