
A context can be seen as a collector for modules. You can loop on events from each context, and each context behaves independently from others.
It is stored as a thread specific object, created through m_ctx_register and deleted through m_ctx_deregister.
This can be particularly useful when dealing with 2+ threads; each thread has its own module’s context and thus its own events to be polled.
Modules can only see and reach (through PubSub messaging) other modules from same context.
A context is given a name at registration time. This is only useful for logging purposes.

NOTE: having multiple contexts with same name is allowed; given that each context is thread-specific, there will be no clash.
Of course, it’s better to set different names.


Libmodule offers an internal loop, started with m_ctx_loop(); note that each context has its own loop.
Moreover, you can even easily integrate it into your own loop: m_ctx_fd() will retrieve a pollable fd and POLLIN events will be raised whenever a new message is available.
Remember that before starting your loop, m_ctx_dispatch() should be called, to dispatch initial “LoopStarted” messages to each module.
Then, whenever POLLIN data is available on libmodule’s fd, you only need to call m_ctx_dispatch() again.
Finally, remember to close() libmodule’s fd retrieved through m_ctx_fd().

Default main#

Libmodule offers a single-context looping main as a weak, thus overridable, symbol.
This means that developers must not even create a main for simple applications.

Default main is mostly useful in conjunction with <module/mod_easy> API.
It offers 2 functions that can be implemented by caller:

  • m_ctx_pre_loop(m_ctx_t *c, int argc, char *argv[]) that is called before the ctx loop is started
  • m_ctx_post_loop(m_ctx_t *c, int argc, char *argv[]) that is called after the loop stopped, right before leaving


When built with WITH_FS enabled, ctx API will expose 2 additional functions:

int m_ctx_fs_set_root(m_ctx_t *c, const char *path);
int m_ctx_fs_set_ops(m_ctx_t *c, const struct fuse_operations *ops);

By setting a context root path, a ctx will expose its structure as a fuse FS, where each module inside the context is a read-only file.
one can then perform multiple read operations on the generated directory tree:

  • open and then poll module files to get notified whenever a message is received by the module
  • Read (cat) module files to get a nice overview of the module state (same as m_mod_dump)
  • Perform a couple of read IOCTLs on a module:
    • M_MOD_FS_STATE to get a module state
    • M_MOD_FS_STATS to get module stats

The FS feature is specially useful to debug issues with module,
because it allows a simple runtime inspection on a context and its modules state.